Unlocking the hidden value of your land

The number of industrial and logistics buildings in the UK has surged, driven by the growth of companies like Amazon and DPD, key clients of ours. As consumer demand increases, so does the need for retailers, manufacturers and other business to increase capacity and optimise their built assets. This demand passes on to companies like ours who are always looking for suitable land in prime strategic logistics locations where we can deliver new,  high-quality logistics parks.

Selling land can be rewarding, but it's essential to seek professional advice to ensure the best outcome. Land value varies based on planning and location, so choosing the right partner is key to maximising value. 

At Tritax Big Box, we have honest conversations from the outset. We offer clear and impartial guidance about selling your land so that you can always be confident of the best outcome.

We understand the importance of legacy too. We build trust by understanding your priorities and by addressing concerns to create a strong and successful relationship that is rooted in openness and accountability.

1. Work with impartial advisers

To safeguard your interests and achieve a mutually beneficial result, we strongly advise you consult with experienced professionals such as solicitors, land agents and accountants. Obtaining recommendations through personal connections and speaking with past clients can be useful in finding reliable advisors.

In some cases, your development partner may cover the fees for these advisers as part of the agreement. Seeking comprehensive guidance can help avoid costly errors. We can recommend independent advisors if needed.

2. Gather the facts

The more you understand about the planning process, the value of your land and the potential benefits and drawbacks of different options, the better equipped you will be to make an informed decision.

The value of land is often tied to its potential for development as determined by planning permission. Land without planning permission is typically less valuable to developers than land that has undergone the planning process.

3. Reputation matters

The most important factor in selecting which partner to work with is their track record in successfully navigating the planning process for development projects. Choose a developer or property company with a reputation for delivering high-quality sites, who has an excellent reputation with planners and other key stakeholders.

It may be beneficial to request information on their past projects and success rate, as well as speaking to local planning officials or landowners who have previously worked with the company.

4. Consider the effects on your relationships

If the land is local to you, it is important to consider the potential impact of development on your remaining holdings and relationships. The development process may take several years, and it may not be possible to reverse your decision once the project is underway.

Some partners may no longer be involved with the site after the construction and sale of buildings, so it is essential to understand the potential effects on your land, surrounding infrastructure and your legacy.

After meeting several developers, Tom and the team at Tritax Big Box stood out as the company that understood me, what I wanted to achieve with my family’s legacy and what I want to do next.

Simon Tunnard, Biggleswade Landowner

We work with landowners to ensure a fair and equitable deal

When the sale of land for development is mentioned, it is common for landowners to think of housing developments due to the high demand and corresponding high prices that developers are willing to pay for suitable sites.

However, for those with land near major roads, cities, towns or existing commercial developments, there is another potential avenue for development: industrial and logistics buildings.

Here's how we would work with you...

1. Tailor an agreement

The first stage involves entering into an agreement with a developer or promoter, which gives them the right to purchase the land at an agreed price mechanism within a certain timeframe.

The agreement can take one of many forms but the most common are:
option agreements, promotion agreements, land sale with or without uplift (overage) or a joint venture.

Each have their nuances and we can discuss these to determine which best suits individual circumstances. The detail of the next stages will be determined by which route is taken but most involve the following three steps.

2. Promotion of land

The process of promoting land can be a lengthy and complex one, so a clear understanding of each party's priorities is important. Setting these out on day one and establishing a reporting routine sets the relationship off on a good footing.

The Local Plan is a document created by the local council that sets out the strategic planning policies for the area, the objective for the site being to be ‘allocated’ for employment land in the Local Plan.

An allocation greatly increases the likelihood of securing planning permission, providing a clear framework for decision-making and ensures that the development is in line with the wider strategic objectives for the area. 

3. Technical design and planning

Here we prepare detailed plans and reports that outline the proposed development and how it will fit into the surrounding area. It is important to ensure that all the information is accurate and complies with the relevant regulations and guidelines before submitting it to the Local Planning Authority for approval.

This is a time-consuming process, as the authority will need to consult with other stakeholders before deciding. However, obtaining planning permission is essential to create the uplift in value and for the development to proceed, so it is important to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to secure approval.

4. Achieve planning permission

Achieving planning permission is a crucial milestone but one that shouldn’t be taken for granted. Over the last 5 years we have been successful in securing planning permission for over 15 million sq ft of development, with a 100% success rate. Even if the site is allocated in the Local Plan for employment, success at planning committee is by no means a certainty. 

Our Landowner Guide: Unlocking the hidden value of your land

Download our Landowner guide, which outlines in detail factors to consider when valuing your land, FAQs, how we work with you and how we have worked with other landowners

Landowner Enquiries

Jonathan Wallis

Jonathan Wallis

Director, Head of Northampton Office, Tritax Big Box Developments

Jonathan.Wallis@tritaxbigboxdev.co.uk (0)1604 330651