Targeting attractive and sustained returns

We target attractive and sustained returns for our shareholders by owning, managing and developing well-located, modern assets – occupied by strong tenants – that are fit for the future and create social value. 

Tritax Big Box REIT plc is managed by Tritax Management LLP (“Tritax”), a full-service investor in supply chain real estate assets. 

Strategy & Market

The modern logistics market remains in its relative infancy. Read more about our strategy and the long-term structural trends underpinning demand for our assets here.

Results and Presentations

We believe in open communication and accountability. You can access our financial results in a variety of formats.


Effective governance is key to successfully delivering our business strategy and forms the cornerstone of our approach and structure.

Share Price

View historic and current share price charts, along with other comprehensive comparative data.

Shareholder Information

Our key reporting dates, dividend calendars, details of AGMs, key documentation, information to manage your shares and much more are available on our shareholder information page.

Long-term structural drivers

We believe logistics is the most attractive and dynamic sector in commercial property. There are major long‑term, structural trends driving occupational and investor demand for logistics assets. These trends have many years to run, and events such as Covid-19 and Brexit have helped to sustain and accelerate them.

A clear and compelling investment strategy

We have a clear but effective strategy aligned to the major long-term, structural drivers influencing our sector. This is underpinned by a disciplined approach to capital allocation and embedding ESG initiatives across all of our activities. Our strategy aims to deliver a sustainable combination of long-term, growing income and capital growth.

A resilient portfolio

We have constructed a portfolio of high-quality assets in key locations, let to clients operating in strong business segments. The portfolio has proven its ability to generate resilient income, even in uncertain times. Owning assets in a range of sizes and locations allows us to apply our asset management expertise to support greater returns.

Attractive development opportunities

We have the UK’s largest logistics-focused land portfolio, giving us an attractive pipeline of internally generated opportunities for long-term phased delivery and an attractive yield-on-cost target of 6–8%.

A sustainable approach

ESG considerations are central to all our investment decisions. From integrating ESG initiatives into our asset management plans to developing net zero carbon buildings, or funding through green finance, ESG factors are fully considered to ensure long-term risks and opportunities are addressed.

Extensive expertise

Our Manager’s specialist understanding of our sector, combined with the calibre of its team and extensive network, gives us the capabilities we need to identify opportunities and successfully execute our strategy.

Financial discipline

We are well financed and have a conservatively geared balance sheet, with significant headroom and a range of funding sources to support our growth ambitions and shareholder returns.

Shareholder Contacts

Ian Brown

Head of Corporate Strategy & Investor Relations, Tritax Big Box REIT +44 (0)20 7290 1616

Hana Beard

Group Company Secretary, Tritax Big Box REIT +44 (0)20 7290 1616

Computershare Investor Services

The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS13 8AE

+44 (0)370 702 0147

TR-1 Notifications

Please send all TR-1 notifications to Hana Beard, Company Secretary